Thursday, September 21, 2017

Winter is fast approaching... so I have been sooooo busy here.

Harvesing the garden and not to mention all the herbs. Tinctures to make, soaps to set to cure...  I do love my life here on this little plot of land.  Love the fact that if you give to nature it gives back 10 fold... I love the fact that a little effort produces great things.    Here are some pictures of what I've been up to....
How do you celebrate the patch of land you live on? 
soaps to start off with... this one is Goatsmilk honey and oats,
Then I made some Calendual shae butter soap that is wonderful to smell, touch and feel.
I grow a LOT of lavender, I make tinctures, salves and now I tried my hand at making lavender soap... its luscious and yummy. Such a relaxing smell and feel.   

but I was on a roll ya know.. so I made up some seasonal soaps too.... like
pumkin spice latte's?  My lovely daughter in law recommended I try to make something like that yummy seasonal drink ... and I did... drum roll please........

 I loved that one so much I made a video to send to my daughter in law because the whole idea was hers.. so I must give credit where credit is due.  

I hope this works... its late, I'm tired and will correct my mistakes here tomorrow.  

nighty night.

There is a new Oil in town, and its gonna do some great things for people.

Copaiba is sourced from Brazil and has a spicy, woody aroma. This new doTERRA® essential oil is derived from the resin of the 4 copaifera species: reticulata, officinalis, coriacea, and langsdorffii. Similar to Black Pepper, this amazing oil can help soothe anxious feelings and, when taken internally, supports a healthy immune and cardiovascular system.*

Dr. Hill said, "I believe this might becom...e one of the most beneficial oils that we carry" as he announced Copaiba essential oil at this year's convention.

Hit "Like" if you can't wait to get your hands on one! 👍 Copaiba is available now in the new CRM system.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

If you have any questions or are interested in trying some oils out just leave me a message.
My doTerra website is  I love helping people stay well.

I’ve falling in love with Patchouli oil.

Hello!  After the holiday’s my face likes to break out in blemishes. It’s mostly because of all the junk food I consume. The good thing is t...