Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Bliss

This Christmas was a very magical year for us. My oldest daughter is 8 months pregnant and baby Mason was putting on quite a show for us, our grandaughter Autumn was AMAZING when she found the pile of presents by the fireplace and all our kids have grown into amazing adults who we enjoy spending time with.  This year we had Dominique ( Anthonys new girlfriend) join us and she is quite a amazing person who added shine and laughter to our family along with Brynns girlfriend Ashley.  We are so blessed with 5 amazing kids... ( let me tell you that they haven't always be.en amazing).  I made autumn and christina matching aprons and oven mitts which they both loved, and Tony is loved by his niece very much.   Last picture autumn was all snuggley with her mommy and baby Mason.  Did I mention that we are very blessed?

I’ve falling in love with Patchouli oil.

Hello!  After the holiday’s my face likes to break out in blemishes. It’s mostly because of all the junk food I consume. The good thing is t...