Saturday, May 9, 2015

Feeling Loved

I remember thinking( a time not so long ago) that Nobody appreciated me, that none of my kids realised how much I did for them or how hard I worked. Teen years were the hardest. Rebels they every chance. I was sure that I would die from the raising of teenagers.  Now that all 5 are adults... I look back at those rough years... and sigh. I did make it, and so did they!  Dont sweat it Moms... when you think you cant do it, that not one of them cares... youll get a note, a bouquet of flowers, a beautiful card,a box of chocolate covered strawberries..and a gift ..and you will know ... yes, you are loved! Hang in there Moms! You got this!

I’ve falling in love with Patchouli oil.

Hello!  After the holiday’s my face likes to break out in blemishes. It’s mostly because of all the junk food I consume. The good thing is t...