This is the first time in my life that I have ever gone to a event and was given such abundance for free. So, as any food saver,canner would do... I got to canning Jam. Tonite I made two batches of concord Grape Jelly and one batch (not pictured) of peach jam. Tomorrow will be cobbler making for a BBQ that we are going to, then I'll dehydrate some, can some.. and eat the rest fresh. Feeling Blessed.
Friday, September 6, 2013
University of Idaho Pomology Field Day
As a Master Gardener, I was invited to volunteer at our booth at the Pomology field Day today. It was spectacular. Dr. Essie Fallahi and his team gave talks about growing fruits and irrigation as well as pest managment and disease control. There were tables and tables and tables of baskets full of many varieties of peaches, apples, plums, nectarines,grapes, pears,as well as walnuts and almonds. After the presentations were over with there were tours of the growing fields. And in all Idaho generosity, the fruits were given away. People were liading cases after cases . The team handed out large garbadge bags ... with my having a heads up that fruits would be given away, I brought my own bags. I loaded up on enough concord grapes to make two batches of grape jelly, and a ton of peaches for preserves, jams and cobbler. Not to mention enough to nibble on while fresh. I was also lucky enough to grab sone juicy nectarines. By the time I got to the appkes, they were gone.... but then I was tokd the appkes were in cold storage fir a year... this seadons apples haven't been picked just yet. So itceas a beautiful day up on a idaho hilltop, with people thst love fresh fruit. Yummy...
I’ve falling in love with Patchouli oil.
Hello! After the holiday’s my face likes to break out in blemishes. It’s mostly because of all the junk food I consume. The good thing is t...
I saw the picture on Pinterest, had to make it. So I did. The hard part was prying the boards off the pallets.. slow and steady is the name ...
One More Day..... Tomorrow I retire. Yes, I have been working jobs of a wide variety since I was 13, first as a babysitter. Then my first...
This Christmas was a very magical year for us. My oldest daughter is 8 months pregnant and baby Mason was putting on quite a show f...