Saturday, August 24, 2013

The farm keeps me busy

I knew when we decided
to buy land and live a homesteaders life that it meant work. I knew that I had a lot to learn in order to grow and sell organic veges and  raise livestock.  Weve been here  in Idaho for one year now. In that year we have done so much. Learned so much about country living and living off the land as much as possible. Its nonstop work, but work that I adore.  Nothing is better that stuffing your pantry with  canned goods that came straight from your garden.  These bread and butter pickles and Dill pickles are going to be great in the deadbif winter. Now That I've  learned how to pickle.... next is how to ferment. Lacto fermentation has caught my attention. All  the good enzymes and macrobiotics sound so good... well back to work. Today I'm harvesting my sweet corn and harvesting spinach seeds.

I’ve falling in love with Patchouli oil.

Hello!  After the holiday’s my face likes to break out in blemishes. It’s mostly because of all the junk food I consume. The good thing is t...