Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Quading Fun, the search in Idaho's Hemingway Butes for wild Horses.

We love quading in our lovely state of Idaho's trails. Today we decided to adventure out to the Hemmingway Butes. We started off in a beautiful canyon and ended up so high on a mountain that we could hear the whispers of  angels. . At one point we were in a big area where wild horses are known to make their home. No horses today for us, but we saw evidence that they are there. We decided to  back to see if we can find the herd. I love photography and having the opportunity to photograph wild horses would be amazing.                                Thank  goodness for trail maps because there is so much wide open spaces with trails going everywhere we could have gotten lost without the maps.

I’ve falling in love with Patchouli oil.

Hello!  After the holiday’s my face likes to break out in blemishes. It’s mostly because of all the junk food I consume. The good thing is t...